Jan 31, 2012

#BDS: #Cartoons: Why Do I #Boycott #Israel

Click here to see the cartoons.

#BDS: Open Letter to LGBTIQ Communities and Allies on the Israeli Occupation of Palestine

"We are a diverse group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and trans activists, academics, artists, and cultural workers from the United States who participated in a solidarity tour in the West Bank of Palestine and Israel from January 7-13, 2012.
What we witnessed was devastating and created a sense of urgency around doing our part to end this occupation and share our experience across a broad cross-section of the LGBTIQ community. We saw with our own eyes the walls—literally and metaphorically—separating villages, families and land. From this, we gained a profound appreciation for how deeply embedded and far reaching this occupation is through every aspect of Palestinian daily life."
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#BDS: Our Eyes Witnessed: On People of Color in the #US and The Palestinian BDS Movement

"Colorlines recently featured a story entitled “The Israel Lobby Finds a New Face: Black College Students,” which highlighted the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) recruitment of young black and brown college students to support their Zionist agenda.

According to AIPAC’s website, they recruit “[o]n campuses across America—from Ivy League universities, to small liberal arts colleges, to Historically Black and Christian schools,” as a means to help students, “find their voices in support of a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.”
The success of recruitment and propaganda efforts, like that of AIPAC, might be a result of Israel’s efforts to focus attention on its ostensibly progressive track record of human rights while conveniently overlooking its human rights and international law infringements as it relates to its treatment of Palestinian people and possession of Palestinian land. Some critics cite Israel’s attempt to “pinkwash”, or wipe away its violations against Palestinians by illuminating its receptivity of LGBTQI people."

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#BDS: Campaign launched against French purchase of Israeli drones #France

"French boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigners have called on their government to abandon a €318 million deal to buy Heron TP drones from Israel Aircraft Industries. Meanwhile, senior members of France’s Senate have called publicly for the country to abandon the purchase on grounds that the Israeli drones are unsuited to the needs of the armed forces.

Campaign against Israeli drones

A petition launched by Campagne BDS France urging the government to end the deal and calling for an immediate military embargo on Israel has already garnered more than 1300 signatures. The text states:"
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#BDS #Qatar في خضم الربيع العربي.. التطبيع يستمر

سعدنا منذ بضعت أشهر بقرار لاعبة المبارزة التونسية ساره بسباس رفضها اللعب ضد لاعبة إسرائيلية وبذلك تنازلها عن الميدالية الذهبية ولقب بطولة العالم [1]. وبالتزامن مع ذلك الحدث قامت لاعبة الجودو الجزائرية مريم موسى باتخاذ نفس الموقف ولذات السبب والتنازل عن حلمها بالوصول لاولمبياد ٢٠١٢ التي ستقام في لندن [2] ، وهذه المواقف ليست بالجديدة ولا هي قادمة مع رياح الربيع العربي التي تجتاح المنطقة، بل التاريخ مليئ بالامثلة. نتذكر ايضاً موقف لاعب الكرة السعودي المعروف حسين عبدالغني ومواجهته للعقوبات المادية حين رفض اللعب أمام فريق إسرائيلي خلال تجربة احترافه في نادي نيوتانشل السويسري  [3].

إقرأ\ي المزيد

A #US High School Student's Documentary about #Israel

Timothy Jacobs is a high school student in New York City. Please check the short documentary Timothy and his friend Dana Colihan about Israel, the US and BDS.

#BDS #Tunisia هيئة تونسية تطالب بوضع نص في الدستور يجرم التطبيع مع اسرائيل

طالب رئيس الهيئة الوطنية التونسية لدعم المقاومة العربية ومناهضة التطبيع والصهيونية أحمد الكحلاوى، بضرورة النص "بكل وضوح" فى الدستور التونسى المرتقب، على "مناهضة التطبيع مع إسرائيل"، مشيرا إلى أن الهيئة "ستنتقل إلى "باردو" لتنصيب خيمة فى "شكل اعتصام" تتواصل إلى حين الاستجابة لمطلبها". 
وتابع الكحلاوي فى ندوة صحفية عقدها الأحد بتونس العاصمة، حسبما ذكرت وكالة الأنباء التونسية الليلة، قائلا إن شرط نجاح الثورات العربية يكمن، على حد قوله، فى "إرساء القطيعة الكاملة مع الكيان الصهيونى الذى كان يستفيد من خدمات النظامين السابقين فى تونس"، لافتا إلى المرجعية العربية للقضية الفلسطينية. 

إقرأ\ي المزيد

#BDS: #Lebanon #LaraFabian لارا فابيان: التطبيع لن يمرّ من بيروت

هكذا تعاطى لبنان مع «عاشقة إسرائيل»

لطوف ــ البرازيل
لارا فابيان لن تأتي إلى لبنان. «الجواب نهائي» أكّده توقّف «فيرجين ميغاستور» أول من أمس عن بيع التذاكر لحفلتيها اللتين كانتا مقررتين في 14 و15 شباط (فبراير) في «كازينو لبنان»، ودعوة كلّ من اشترى تذكرة إلى استعادة ثمنها ابتداءً من اليوم.
هكذا، أنهت المغنية البلجيكية الكندية جدلاً دام ثلاثة أسابيع لم يحسمه قرار الدولة اللبنانية بمنح التأشيرة لفابيان وتوفير الطمأنة اللازمة للفنانة «المذعورة». بقيت صاحبة «أحبك» تتأرجح بين قرار المجيء وعدمه، إلى أن وجدت أنها غير مستعدة لتحمّل «المخاطرة بسلامة أفراد طاقمنا». لكنّها «وعدت» جمهورها اللبناني بأنّها ستتواصل معه عبر أثير إذاعة «نوستالجي» ومحطة «أم. تي. في» التي هرولت لاحتضان المغنية «المسكينة» الصهيونية الهوى. هكذا، ستقدّم صاحبة «عارية» أمسية في 14 شباط (فبراير) من باريس لتطرب جمهورها في لبنان عبر نقل مباشر لهذه الحفلة، يسبقها تصريح لفابيان عن الجدل الذي أشعلته على الساحة اللبنانية.

إقرأ\ي المزيد

#BDS: شكراً #Lebanon #LaraFabian

علينا أن نعترف للست لارا فابيان بفضل واحد على الأقلّ، هو تسليط الضوء على واقعنا الموزّع بين عبثيّة وفجور. فنّانة من رموز الأغنية الفرنسيّة الاستهلاكيّة، باتت ضحيّةً من ضحايا حريّة التعبير في لبنان. المغنية الساذجة التي يمثّل فنّها تهديداً للذوق العام (لكن تلك مسألة أخرى)، لا تفهم ما هي خطيئتها كي تستحق كل هذه العدائيّة. لم تفعل لارا الطيّبة سوى التعاطف مع إسرائيل، والتضامن مع حملة صهيونيّة في «حلقة بن غوريون» أو سواها، فأين المشكلة؟ ممنوع التعبير عن الرأي في هذا الوطن الصغير والجميل، المحاصر بالظلام؟ إذا أضفنا إلى ما سبق وزير سياحة «على الحياد»، ووزير ثقافة لم يقل له أحد ماذا يجري، وامبريزاريو قلبه على «السياحة في لبنان»، وإعلام يردّد كالببغاء «حريّة، حريّة، حريّة»، وسياسي فذّ، مثقّف وذوّاقة، خائف على «رسالة لبنان»... تجتمع عناصر مسرحيّة فودفيل رديئة لا يمكن عرضها إلا في بيروت!

إقرأ\ي المزيد

#BDS: #US Scholars’ Delegation Calls for Academic and Cultural #Boycott of #Israel

"Five faculty from U.S. universities who recently completed a week-long visit to Occupied Palestine and Israel are calling on academic colleagues everywhere to support the United States Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI)."

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#Solidarity Istanbul conference: Worldwide marches in support of J'lem next March

ISTANBUL, (PIC)-- The global alliance for the support of Jerusalem and Palestine invited all Arabs, Muslims and friends to participate in the marches to be held next March all over the world in support of the Palestinian people's right to Jerusalem. This invitation was made during the two-day conference of the Arab-Turkish spring that was organized on Friday and Saturday in cooperation with the Arab-Turkish relations center in Istanbul. Delegations and members of the global alliance from 30 countries attended the conference. The conferees explored avenues and mechanisms to support Jerusalem and its people and to break the blockade on Gaza people.  Source

#BDS Arab participation at Israeli security summit enrages BDS activists

The participation of Arab officials and institutions at a major Israeli security conference has drawn staunch criticism from Palestinian and human rights activists. The annual Herzliya conference, which includes high-profile guest speakers focusing on Israel's major security challenges, invited a number of key Arab speakers, including Jordan's Prince el Hassan bin Talal and senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat.  More here.

#BDS The global struggle for freedom, justice, and dignity

The international Social Movements Assembly, now meeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil--and buoyed by the spirit of the Arab Spring and the Occupy Wall Street movement-- issues a declaration for a global struggle against capitalism, colonialism, occupation, and inequality, calling on activists around the world to take to the streets on June 5, 2012. Palestine and boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) are on the agenda, too:

We call for support of the International Human Rights Meeting in Solidarity with Honduras and for building a Free Palestine Social Forum, strengthening the global movement of boycott, disinvestments, and sanctions against the State of Israel and their apartheid policies against the [Palestinian] people.  Read more here.

#BDS Take Action: Pro-BDS Op-Ed Needs Letters to Editor

US Campaign member group WRITE! for Justice, Human Rights, and International Law in Palestine issued the following action alert yesterday. Please respond by writing a letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer in support of Ali Abunimah's op-ed promoting boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS). Click here for more.

#BDS Tunisians to launch campaign against normalization with Israel

Ahmed Kahlaoui, leader of Tunisia's National Committee to Support Arab Resistance to Normalization, has appealed for the awaited Tunisian constitution to include an article outlawing the normalization of relations with Israel. He asserted that the Committee would move to Pardo, set up a protest tent, and stage a sit-in which would continue until its demands have been met.
Kahlaoui was quoted by official Tunisian media on Sunday, January 29, as saying that for the Arab revolutions to succeed, a boycott against Israel must be established because it benefitted from services rendered by the two previous Tunisian regimes.

He emphasized that the Palestinian cause is the cause of all Arabs, noting that his Committee would work, by holding various workshops, to confront the normalization of relations with Israel in all areas.  Source.

Jan 23, 2012

#BDS Ana Moura's audience doesn't want her to play Israel

The opinions of Ana Moura’s audience at her recent Glasgow performance were clear, “Don’t perform in Israel – support the appeal from Palestinian civil society for a cultural boycott of Israel.”

From the first member of the audience we spoke to, who had appeared with friends and took extra leaflets to distribute inside, only one single individual mounted a dispirited defence of Israel. An Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign member had earlier written from Dublin, following Ana Moura’s performance at the Concert Hall there, that the audience were “the most receptive people I’ve ever leafleted,” with a number of people saying that the planned Israel performance “would leave a sour taste."

After Dublin and Glasgow, [Portugese artist] Ana Moura can be in no doubt that her fans want her to honour the call from Palestine for artists to play their part in the growing campaign to isolate the apartheid state. Read more here.

Jan 21, 2012

SHAHADAT Publishes Arabic Hip Hop

SHAHADAT Literary Magazine Publishes a Bilingual Translation of Arabic Hip Hop

#BDS "Jordan: Israeli Potato Invasion Revives Resistance to Normalization"

US-led normalization efforts are taking a toll on the Jordanian potato farmers as Israeli potatoes have flooded the market, threatening local farmers’ livelihoods.
Amman – Jordan is in the middle of an intense debate about why its markets were flooded with Israeli potatoes, threatening local products from the Ghor region of the Jordan Valley.
A similar debate emerged during the olive harvest season, when the amount of exported olives from Jordan to Israel had reached 11,480 tons, before they were halted in mid-November.
By then, Israel had received more than 98% of Jordan’s olive exports, according to the agriculture ministry.
The new year has brought an unprecedented flood of Israeli potato shipments to Jordanian markets. This “invasion” was helped by the agriculture ministry’s leniency in giving out import licenses to a large number of importers of Israeli products.
By contrast, the same ministry refused to allow a shipment of Gulf potatoes to enter Jordan. Continue reading here

Jan 19, 2012

#BDS: #UK Labour Party student officials face backlash over free tour of #Israel, settlements

"A member of the UK’s National Union of Students Executive Council has denounced several youth and student officers from the opposition Labour Party for taking part in an all-expenses-paid tour of Israel and its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. The Labour students delegation met with Captain Barak Raz, an Israeli army spokesperson and other Israeli officials.

The Union of Jewish Students (UJS), a pro-Israel group, paid for the entire junket. The 4-9 January tour was led by Dan Sheldon, UJS campaigns officer. It included meetings with Tony Blair, the former UK prime minister who now works as a representative of the Middle East “Quartet” (the US, European Union, UN and Russia), and Mark Regev, chief spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."

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#BDS: Noted French theorist Jacques Rancière cancels #Israel lecture, heeding boycott call

"Noted French philosopher and political theorist Jacques Rancière has canceled a visit to Israel after an appeal by PACBI, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.

Rancière, emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of Paris VIII and Professor of Philosophy at the European Graduate School in Switzerland, had been scheduled to give a talk at Tel Aviv University on 25 January."

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#BDS: Lara Fabian cancels #Lebanon tour after BDS campaign

"Belgian singer Lara Fabian announced via Facebook on Thursday that she has cancelled her February concert in Lebanon after pro-Palestinian activists campaigned against her visit.

Fabian wrote in a "Love Letter" to her "Lebanese friends" that she "won’t sing under threats" and that she will not "deal with hatred."

The self-confessed pro-Zionist Belgian artist said she "believe(s) in tolerance, generosity and truth" and said Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel (BDS) activists were "living with hatred because they weren’t loved enough."

Al-Akhbar ran a story earlier in the week highlighting a BDS campaign in Lebanon to stop Fabian from performing at the Casino du Liban, citing her pro-Israel activities."

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Jan 17, 2012

#BDS: New comprehensive BDS booklet

"Corporate Watch has just published a new, comprehensive booklet for those who are partcipating in the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement. Titled "Targeting Israeli Apartheid," the publication details who is profiting from the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories as well as Israel's inhumane blockade of the Gaza Strip."

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Download the full booklet

Jan 16, 2012

#BDS Duty Free America is responsible for half of Netanyahu's donations

Owners of Duty Free America, a large chain of duty-free shops that operates in 13 airports, pledged half of NIS 330,000 Netanyahu raised.

...The most prominent name among the prime minister's donors is that of the Falics, a well-known family that owns Duty Free Americas, a large chain of duty-free shops that operates in 13 airports and along the United States' northern and southern borders. At one point, the family also owned the Christian Lacroix fashion house.  More here

#BDS Activists call for British musician to boycott Israel

Dear James Blake,
We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. We oppose our government's policies of ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid, we strongly believe that international pressure is essential in bringing these crimes to an end and creating an equal and just society in this region. We are, therefore, asking you to cancel your planned show in Tel Aviv on January the 27th.
The state of Israel denies Palestinians their rights and their freedom. To note but a few examples, Palestinians living in the West Bank suffer limitations on their freedom of movement and in many cases are denied the right to access their agricultural land. When they try to protest against the Israeli policies, they face brutal treatment. Their relatives in the Gaza Strip (56% of whom are children) live under an ongoing siege placing strict limitations on their access to food, clean water, medical supplies and construction materials. This state of barbarism takes place only an hour away from your scheduled performance. In the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, 40 minutes away from the scheduled venue, kids are regularly being abducted from their beds in the dead of night and taken into violent police interrogations with no access to their parents or a lawyer.
The call for BDS was issued and signed by over 170 civil society organizations, representing all sectors of the Palestinian people: exiled refugees, those under a harsh military occupation, and those who remained in what later became the State of Israel. This non-violent initiative was inspired by a similar campaign of the indigenous people of South Africa against the former case of apartheid back there. Unlike its predecessor, however, the Palestinian BDS movement does not target Israeli individuals. It chooses instead to focus on public events that promote a facade of normalcy as well as targeting complicit institutions.
By performing in Israel, you will be lending your voice to the promotion and legitimization of a brutal military occupation as well as the siege of Gaza, a regime based on ethnic-supremacy and systematic discrimination, and the continued expulsion of Palestinian refugees. Many artists and public figures are now publicly supporting the cultural boycott of Israel which is backed by almost the
 entire community of Palestinian cultural workers. Notable amongst those who chose to speak in support of BDS are Roger Waters, David R. Randall, Maxi Jazz of Faithless, Elvis Costello, filmmakers Ken Loach and Mike Leigh, prominent activist Archbishop Desmond Tutu and many more. Others, who have already preformed here, declared that they shall not do so again and even expressed their regret for their choice to perform here. Macy Gray stated that: "I had a reality check and I stated that I definitely would not have played there if I had known even the little that I know now."

In the past month, many fans and activists have addressed you on this matter and many comments have been made on your Facebookand Twitter accounts. These fans wrote many comments, which you have refrained from addressing and your representatives have chosen to delete or ignore. Sending a green light to apartheid is a stain that will not be erased by hitting the delete button. Dear James, the picket line has been clearly marked and we now ask you to decide: Which side are you on?
Please stand by the oppressed and refuse to play in apartheid Israel, until it complies with international law and respects the three fundamental rights of the Palestinians - equality, freedom and return.  Original source here

#Solidarity Massive march organized in Jakarta in support of the Aqsa

JAKARTA, (PIC)-- Tens of thousands took part in a massive rally in front of the UN office in Jakarta in support of the Aqsa mosque and in rejection of the Israeli Judaization of the holy city of Jerusalem. Palestinian MP Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Jamal, who is on a visit to Indonesia which started a few days ago, delivered a speech at the rally warning of a “ferocious Zionist” campaign to Judaize occupied Jerusalem. He underlined that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) was expanding its excavations under the holy Aqsa mosque, changing landmarks and names, and demolishing and confiscating land and property at a rapid, daily pace. Jamal said that the IOA was trying to empty the holy city of its indigenous people topped by their leaders, citing the banishment of Jerusalemite MPs Mohammed Abu Tir and Ahmed Attoun. The MP urged the Arabs, Muslims, and the Indonesian people to act in support of the Palestine cause and to swiftly intervene to defend occupied Jerusalem in face of the Judaization campaign.  Original source

#BDS Protest rallies waiting for Netanyahu in the Netherlands

AMSTERDAM, (PIC)-- Palestinian activists in the Netherlands called for protest rallies against the visit of Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu to Amsterdam. The Palestine home in Holland on Monday invited protestors to gather in front of the Dutch parliament next Thursday morning.  It said in a statement that demonstrating against the visit “is the least we can do against this criminal”, and against crimes committed by Israeli leaders against the Palestinian people. It urged participants to hoist Palestinian flags and placards denouncing the visit and occupation in addition to bringing “old shoes”.  Original source

#BDS Lebanese activists want Lara Fabian concert ban after pro-Israel gig

The Lebanese government is under pressure to ban a prominent Belgian singer from appearing in Lebanon after footage emerged of her performing at an event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Israel.
Lara Fabian, a Belgian-Italian classical singer who has sold over 15 million records worldwide, is due to perform two concerts at Casino du Liban in Jounieh on the 14th and 15th of February, with tickets costing between US$200 and US$500.
YouTube videos have emerged showing the singer performing at a concert in France in 2008 to celebrate the creation of Israel in 1948.
In the concert, directed by her fiance Gerard Pulliccino, Fabian sang in Hebrew in front of images of various Israeli leaders, settlements and other iconography.
After her song finished she reportedly shouted: “I love you Israel” to the crowd. She has also performed in Israel on a number of occasions and attended pro-Zionist meetings.  Read more here

Jan 11, 2012

#BDS Palestinians Hold Third National BDS Conference

Last month, the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank hosted the Third National Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Conference. The Conference centered on BDS as a means of nonviolent popular resistance and addressed some key issues currently confronting the movement, both locally and internationally. Below is the Conference Report, published by the Palestinian BDS National Committee.
On 17 December 2011, Palestinians gathered in the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank for the Third National Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions  (BDS) Conference. The event took place against the backdrop of continuous Israeli violations of Palestinian rights, and a growing resistance against injustice worldwide as demonstrated by the Arab revolutions and the occupy movements.  Just minutes away from the conference venue, 500 Jewish settlers live under escort of the Israeli military in a colonial enclave in the middle of old Hebron, terrorizing local Palestinian residents on a daily basis, with the stated intent of driving them from their homes. Hebron is also an important commercial center in Palestine, and thus was a fitting venue to hold the national BDS conference, after it was held in Nablus and Ramallah in previous years.
The day started early with about 500 Palestinians from all corners of the West Bank, as well as 48 Palestinians representing a diverse sector of civil society including trade unions, student and women groups, academics, cultural workers and NGOs, all uniting under the banner of BDS.
There was also a visible international presence as well as that of Israeli partners who have responded to the 2005 BDS call.  Notable was the absence of representation from Gaza, under an Israeli imposed siege, and refugees outside historic Palestinian, although their contribution to the movement was acknowledged.
The conference was an opportunity to take stock of the movement’s achievements worldwide, and to develop strategies to face the challenges ahead. The BDS movement witnessed impressive growth in 2011. Achievements include the withdrawal of German company Deutsche Bahn from construction of the A1 train line connecting Jerusalem to Tel Aviv; the forced closure of settlement company Ahava’s London flagship store and the loss of a $10 bn contract by French company Alstom in Saudi Arabia as a result of its role in the construction of the illegal Jerusalem Light Rail in occupied Jerusalem. 2011 was also the year when Israel’s foremost agricultural export company and a major BDS target – Agrexco – went bankrupt thanks in part to a sustained Europe-wide campaign.  To read more click here.

Jan 10, 2012

#BDS Report: Third National BDS Conference, Hebron, December 17

On 17 December 2011, Palestinians gathered in the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank for the Third National Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions  (BDS) Conference. The event took place against the backdrop of continuous Israeli violations of Palestinian rights, and a growing resistance against injustice worldwide as demonstrated by the Arab revolutions and the occupy movements.  Just minutes away from the conference venue, 500 Jewish settlers live under escort of the Israeli military in a colonial enclave in the middle of old Hebron, terrorizing local Palestinian residents on a daily basis, with the stated intent of driving them from their homes. Hebron is also an important commercial center in Palestine, and thus was a fitting venue to hold the national BDS conference, after it was held in Nablus and Ramallah in previous years.  Read more here.

Jan 9, 2012

#BDS New comprehensive BDS booklet

Corporate Watch has just published a new, comprehensive booklet for those who are partcipating in the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement. Titled "Targeting Israeli Apartheid," the publication details who is profiting from the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories as well as Israel's inhumane blockade of the Gaza Strip.  
"Targeting Israeli Apartheid" gives a run down of Israel's economy and exports and details how BDS has an impact on both. The handbook is useful for both internationals and Israelis involved in BDS as it  illuminates which Israeli businesses are tied to the occupation and how they encourage growth on Palestinian lands, noting, for example, that all Israeli banks offer mortgages for homes located in illegal settlements. 

offering housing

loans to Israelis wishing to live on settlements. Not only does this allow
them to collect profits in the form of interest, it also gives them a direct stake in the
http://www.whoprofits.org/Company per cent20Info.php?id=682, [accessed 04/03/2011].
27Who Profits (October 2010), Financing the Israeli occupations, Idem.
Bank Hapoalim's branch in Bnei Yehuda settlement, occupied Syrian
Golan (Corporate Watch 2010)11 A BDS Handbook
settlementsAll major Israeli banks, as well as the Bank of Jerusalem, have mortgage subsidiaries offering housing loans to Israelis wishing to live on settlements. Not only does this allow them to collect profits in the form of interest, it also gives them a direct stake in the settlements.
The handbook also discusses the havoc Israel has wreaked on the Palestinian economy, turning the Palestinians into a captive market that are essentially forced to hand money to the businesses that profit from their continued disposession. "Targeting Israeli Apartheid" also lists companies that are located in settlements as well as those that build on Palestinian land so conscientious consumers know what products to boycott. 

Taken as a whole, the handbook reminds readers that the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands isn't about security as the Israeli government and right-wingers often claim. "Targeting Israeli Apartheid" helps individuals can put sticks in the spokes of the machine that turns a profit from occupation. Via the Alternative Information Center.

#BDS A personal appeal– PennBDS needs your help

...The organizers could really use some additional donations as they gear up to pay for a bunch of big expenses. The registration fee for this conference is so cheap (seriously, I was aghast when I went to register online, it's like the cost of 2 movie tickets for the friggin' weekend!), but unfortunately the overhead isn't. So if everyone and anyone who can afford it can just head on over to PennBDS website and make an extra donation that would be simply splendiferous and very much appreciated. Read more here.

Jan 8, 2012

#BDS: #UK’s student body endorses divestment

"In a historic move, the National Union of Students (NUS) in the UK has thrown its weight behind campaigns targeting companies complicit in Israel’s occupation and breaches of international law.

A new page on the NUS website that went online today calls on students to campaign against the campus presence of Eden Springs and Veolia. In the preamble, NUS notes:

In a similar move to the South African Anti-Apartheid movement, activists in Palestine - from Students’ Unions to LGBTQ organisations - have asked international supporters to refrain from supporting companies and institutions that profit from or maintain the occupation.

For both Eden Springs and Veolia, NUS acknowledges the work already done on a number of campuses, and offers “resources and support” to any students wishing to organise their own campaign."

Read more

Jan 7, 2012

#BDS: Quebec TV host: #Israel ‘does not deserve to exist’

"An outspoken Quebec television host and mayor who questioned Israel’s right to exist has drawn the ire of an international Jewish human rights group and sparked an investigation by the national broadcast regulator.

Stéphane Gendron, host of Face à Face, a daily talk show on Quebec’s V Television network, garnered a flood of complaints after a December broadcast where he said he supported an ongoing boycott of a Montreal store that sold Israeli-made shoes. “Products made in Israel on land stolen from the Palestinians that is walled in, in an apartheid regime where they are cut off, it’s very serious,” said Mr. Gendron, who is also the mayor of Huntingdon, a small town south of Montreal. “And a country like that does not deserve to exist.”

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#BDS: Israeli flag at the entrance to the restroom at #Tunis airport

Jan 5, 2012

#BDS: Open Letter to Ana Moura: Don’t perform in Apartheid #Israel

"Renowned Portuguese Fado singer Ana Moura plans to perform in Israel on 27th January, in violation of the Palestinian call for a cultural boycott of the Israeli state. Before goingto Israel, she will be playng in Dublin’s National Concert Hall on Thursday 19th January.

While welcoming Ms. Moura to Ireland, the IPSC will balance that welcome with  a demonstration against her indifference to the fate (= “fado”) of the Palestinian people. The demo will start at 8pm on Thursday 19th January at 7pm outside the National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2."

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#BDS in #France: 2011 a Breakthrough Year!

"The BDS movement had amazing successes in 2011 in France. Before 2011, French activists for Palestinian human rights had never seen a French musician cancel a show in Israel.  But 2011 saw three famous musicians cancel.  
In January, Vanessa Paradis refused to sing in Israel.  Her partner, Johnny Depp, also cancelled his trip to Israel.   French activists had asked the pop star to cancel her trip, in a highly visible creative protest outside of one of her concerts.  In November, Mireille Mathieu made an announcement on her website that she was postponing her Tel Aviv concert.  BDS France had written her an open letter, and they encourage her to stand strong against pressure from both French and Israeli booking agents to “reschedule” her concert in the apartheid state.  In December famed from opera singer, Oumou Sangaré chose to cancel her planned performance with the Israeli Opera.  An informative letter from BDS France was followed by a letter from BDS Italy."

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#BDS: 2011 - Summary of the Cultural Boycott of Israel for Musicians

"The year 2011 was a year full of many successes in the campaign for the cultural boycott of Israel. This summary will focus on the cultural boycott with emphasis on musical artists and groups.
The fall of South African apartheid was preceded by many musical artists who joined to create a movement. That movement became known popularly as “I’m not gonna play Sun City.” Israel has not yet seen its Sun City moment fully, but as you’ll see, significant rumblings are beginning.

January, 2011: Jon Bon Jovi was asked not play in Israel. Thus far, boycott efforts have been successful. The singer had announced on Larry King Live he would perform in Israel. After boycott efforts to ask him to refrain, no concert ever happened. [1]

French pop star Vanessa Paradis refuses to perform in Israel.[2] Her partner, American film icon Johnny Depp also cancels his visit to Israel."

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#BDS: It’s Never Too Late to Boycott #Israel

It’s difficult to avoid, especially in the frenzy of consumerism and gift-giving which washes over the West at the end of every year: “I meant to boycott that company,” I’ve had friends tell me, “but it was a gift.” Or, “I bought it before I knew.” But like it or not, our unwitting purchases, or receipt thereof as gifts, play a role in preventing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel from achieving their full potential.

Individual responsibility doesn’t end once the money is spent, or once a gift is received. Simply owning a product manufactured by a company complicit in Israeli apartheid sends a message that makes others less willing to take up the boycott. This post explores the proper, evironmentally responsible means for disposing of such products by examining a few representative examples.

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#BDS: لاريسا صنصور: هكذا انتصرتُ على لاكوست

عكّا | «أشعر بالنصر، خصوصاً أنّ القضيّة أخذت أبعاداً كبيرة بعد تورّط شركة كبيرة بالرقابة على الفنون» تقول لاريسا صنصور لـ«الأخبار». الفنانة البصريّة الفلسطينيّة الشابّة ودّعت العام الماضي بهدف سجّلته في مرمى شركة «لاكوست» ضمن قضية شغلت الرأي العام العربي والعالمي لأيام. «هذه ليست المرة الأولى التي تمارس فيها شركة رقابة على الفنون، لكن في الحالة الفلسطينية، لا تعود القضية قضيّة حريّة تعبير فقط، بل قضية حريّة بالمطلق»، تقول. بعد أيام قليلة على رفع العلم الفلسطيني في مقر «الأونيسكو» (باريس)، تفجّرت في الصحف قضيّة إلغاء شركة «لاكوست» الفرنسية لترشيح صنصور (القدس/ لندن) لجائزة تمنحها بالتعاون مع متحف «إيليزيه/ لوزان» السويسري، بحجة أن عملها الفنّي «منحاز جداً لفلسطينيين».

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